Hydrogen generator simply
operates with the help of hydrogen. It separates water into H2O and uses
hydrogen for its purpose i.e. to generate power.
Processing of Hydrogen Generator
Hydrogen separation process is done in distilled
water. With the help of electrode distilled water is charged and then hydrogen
rises up, this hydrogen is separated with the help of hydrogen separator. As
hydrogen is a light element with 1.00794 atomic weight. This is comparatively
extremely lighter then the atomic weight of oxygen which is about 15.9994.
You must take precautions while producing hydrogen as it is of highly combustible nature. As when hydrogen gets mixed other fuel material that powers up diesel and gasoline engines because of combustion. Separated hydrogen by the hydrogen generator replaces or gets mixed with oxygen required in combustible engine for combustion. The moment when oxygen gets replaced by hydrogen mileage of fuel gets increased. Engines in the vehicle run smoothly and remain clean for a longer period.
Building a workable hydrogen generator is not a tough task. It needs few things that can be combined in a set manner. You can find several sites introducing some simple steps to build it up. Few basic things that you need to make a hydrogen generator include a bucket of distilled water, a long jar with solid lid, a big vacuumed hose, a wire of stainless steel tied around electrode (plexiglass tower) and last but not the least two big electrical wires.
Positive and negative electrode with steel wire are tied around it, these two electrode are fixed in the lid of jar through holes upon them. A positive direct current is flown from a system that is auto electrical to the electrode. The electrode pored in the three-fourth water kept in jar, starts splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen. Now the light weighted hydrogen rises up and starts its combustion process.
Hydrogen generator takes the advantage of light
weight of hydrogen and creates a combustible material for generating power to
run the vehicle smoothly and for longer time period.